y4pcT1JaIwGptQJPO6l_mZmgv34 tiffin unboxed: Spring Garden - Exotic Epiphyllums

Spring Garden - Exotic Epiphyllums

The epiphyllum flower, once nicknamed "orchid cactus" or "Christmas cactus", is another intriguing garden gem in the cactus family. This exotic night-blooming, strongly scented flower originates in Latin America.

Their ephemeral blooms sometimes last only one night, but their strong scent attracts pollinators that create new blooms.

These days there are various hybrids of these originally white plants, including the gorgeous yellow one you can find at my Southern California Spring Garden show post. Or this stunning hot pink flower.

And this softer pink flower.

Would you believe these colors are from the same plant? It's mesmerizing to behold.

My second plant contains the classic white version. They are a soft, creamy ivory rather than a stark white.

The bud retains its shape for a very short time.

Until it starts opening into this lotus-like shape.

And soon there are several large blooms, as big as one's hand or even one's face at times.

The pots usually need to go on a stand or hang from a hook, since the flowers tend to hang beneath the pot. They can become houseplants too.

Not many potted plants provide this type of yield. Although the plant remains green most of the year, the short time one can enjoy these beauties is well worth the wait.

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