y4pcT1JaIwGptQJPO6l_mZmgv34 tiffin unboxed: Tiffin Unboxed Has a New Home! http://tiffinunboxed.com

Tiffin Unboxed Has a New Home! http://tiffinunboxed.com

Hello reader.

Let me wish you a very happy 2014. It's hard to believe we are one month down already.

In order to streamline this blog, and make it easier to find and discover, I've relaunched it at a new address: tiffinunboxed.com

Should you be receiving this message, you have somehow not been automatically redirected to the new URL. Please note the new address and update bookmarks as needed.

If you are subscribed to an RSS feed, nothing will change. You will continue to receive new posts. The only difference is that the previous site address will not be updated with new content

Over the past 2 months I've been implementing many lifestyle changes, some intentionally and some that just came up unexpected. More on that later.

As a result I've realized that in order to continue delivering with the quality and frequency I'd prefer, which I've slowly getting farther away from, moving to more of a micro-blogging format makes more sense. Easier to write and easier to read.

If the topic and passions warrant, there might still be some long, detailed, image heavy posts. However, instead of piling my electronic folder full of topics and ideas that I have not yet found time to turn into posts, or keep deferring because they are not as timely as they once were, I'd love to more quickly get the ideas out.

As always, thank you for reading. When I began the blog in 2010 I never expected to exchange ideas with readers and still enjoy blogging so much. Your comments and feedback are always welcome.


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